Green tea ice cream

A few weeks ago I had a sudden urge to purchase an ice cream maker because the idea of home-made ice cream seemed very appealing. Imagine all the flavours I can make! Green tea, black sesame, bailey's, nutella, cookies and cream...yummy. So I searched online for a reasonably priced machine which is not too ugly and decided to buy the Cuisineart one (partly because it was used on Master Chef and because the Sunbeam Gelateria was no longer being manufactured - sadly).

Several weeks had passed and I'm starting to lose count of how many ice creams I've now attempted to make - however the number of flavours still remain at 2 - vanilla and green tea.

I don't have proper recipes for them as I'm still in my trial stage but I've decided to not use egg yolks (unless I want them really creamy) due to the time and effort it takes to cook and cool the mixture. I have yet to make my all-time favourite chocolate ice cream which is a shame, but it seems like I'm the only one who loves that flavour! :(

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1 comment:

  1. If you're lazy like me, try putting flavored yogurt in your ice cream machine. It's easy, comes out yummy and is pretty healthy. ^o^
